Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Our Story

Alex and I have been part of what we feel is an incredible story the last couple years. The story is far from complete. To be truthful, it is sort of in its low point as I write this. However, God has done such amazing things and told us of even more amazing things ahead. We have told our story to many of our friends. But I find that, in this low point, we have stopped telling it. When we stop telling of the things God has done and is doing, it becomes increasingly difficult to see them. And as I have been watching all these things God has said to me unfold in front of me, my thought (and I know Alex shares it) is, "people need to hear this!"

I've debated for years about a good way to share this. I love to write, and I write more clearly than I speak. But to make my spiritual journey into a book seemed more than a little presumptuous. On the flip side, neither Alex nor I are gifted speakers, as I'm sure our friends who have heard us tell the story can attest to. If you've seen When Harry Met Sally, and can recall the elderly couple telling their story, interrupting each other left and right, finishing each other's sentences... well, that's Alex and me.

So, I've decided to blog our story, and release it in parts. This way, when God comes through with the last pieces, I can add them on seamlessly. As I begin this, I have already written the first 10 segments, hoping that by the time I post them all, there will be something worth adding.

I do not assume that what I have to tell will interest a lot of people. But I feel that God is pushing me toward sharing it. Maybe someone will be encouraged by our story, or maybe the telling of it is purely for my benefit. Either way, I'm putting it out here, for the Internet public to read or not read as they please.